Sunday, February 8, 2009

FMS: Full Moon Session

Sure, the combination of those letters is also an acronym for Functional Movement System. Ooops.

So, I have not trained since Wednesday. Thursday I worked all day and then headed to a show. Friday woke up feeling like poopie. I recouped in the morning and then headed to Paoli Chiro for my weekly meeting at 1 and shift at 3.  Headed to Whole Foods got some grub and had a mighty feast. Following that I watched Children of Men and then the Second half of Braveheart. TV can be good for some things I guess. 

Saturday I worked all day again. By all day I mean showing up at 8am to give an undetermined amount of massages. This day happened to include 5. That was the most scheduled in one day in a while. That's the limit really, for minimum 60 minutes of bodywork. During one session my thoughts wondered to my old job waiting tables at Teca in West Chester. On my gracious half hour lunch I checked my phone to find a voicemail from my old boss at Teca!!! He needed my help. I haven't worked there but one time since returning to PA in November. I put in a good 10 years of restaurant service. I am over it. Well, almost. I decided to help out. Make a guest appearance. Why not offer myself up to some more uber lucky people? Ha. Brought in another $100 and some!!! Worth it. Seeing some old faces and knowing I'm not stuck in that place made it a good time. 

So needless to say I didn't get a workout in Saturday either. I considered squeezing in a VO2 before shipping off to the next job, but considering how poopie I felt Friday I didn't want to waste myself into a useless blob. 

Woke up this morning to the sun shining. Got myself a cup of blueberry green tea and a shower and headed to my weekly Sunday housecall. Had no idea I was going to walk out to about 65 degrees! Bangin'! I wore my Chocos today baby. Oh yeah. After the massage I thought a workout in the sun would be fabulous. It didn't happen. Instead I went to Trader Joe's in Ardmore. It was crazy in there! Crazy. Full moon influence or just the nature of that sweet store? Loaded up on the goods for a weekish worth of goodies and headed home. Trained indoors with Eddie Vedder and Kurt Cobain pushing me through 50 sets for the VO2. Went well. Better than I thought. I upped my days/week so it makes sense. I would like to work towards some pull ups and pistols. It's been a while.

Things are good. Feelin good. People want me to train them with Kettlebells and other people want me to give them bodywork. Today alone I scheduled 4 massages!!! F yeah! Bikram 10 pack here I come. Ray LaMontagne ticket here I come too! Woo HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Speaking of music. Phish reunites for 3 shows in VA in less than a month! I'm going with or without anyone else. It will be EPIC. That's an understatement. 

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