Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm in love with a foam roller

Everyone needs one. So go get one. They are not that expensive. Work some of your tension and adhesions (knots) out yourself. The ones you can't get to, I will! I do make house calls you know...

So I'm back into my VO2 full swing. 4x this week. Today was 60 sets. System of a Down helped me out. I don't have too much trouble physically completing sets. It's more mental. There is usually a wall that can be broken down. For some reason today's 60 was much easier than Tuesday's 60. Not really sure why. I gave 4 massages today before I trained. Tuesday I gave none. So, it's not the bodywork. It's the mental games I play with myself. They are in no way fun either.

I prefer your typical game. Perhaps a nice game of Chutes and Ladders? Candyland? Life? Yes. Those are good times. Maybe a little flashlight tag? Hide and seek in the dark. Indeed.

You want fun? Join us on the art museum steps Thursday the 30th at 7:30pm. 4 RKCs, one being yours truly. Kettlebells, swings, stuff and things! Rock on...

Here's a pic of our lovely looking crew from the class on the 2nd. We must go bigger and better next time! See you there! Or else. Muwahahaha...

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